A maternity nurse is someone who guides you through every new step you take in the fascinating phase of your life: motherhood. If it’s an educational, safe and caring experience for both the mother and the newborn in case it’s your first child; second-time parents would also agree about the importance of a maternity nurse for postnatal care for a period of first six months after delivery.
A midwife or a qualified nurse is someone who will station herself in your house for a period not extending more than six months in most cases and provide maternity care to you and your newborn, 24X7, helping you with breastfeeding the newborn, taking care of both of your health and medical supervision, maintain utmost hygiene, emotionally support a mother to cope with motherhood and even initiate practices that lead to a healthy physical and mental development of the child.
Here’s what to expect as services from the maternity nurse the next time you get to interview one and entrust her with this extremely intimate and important task in your life.
As they say, real motherhood begins after you get discharged from the hospital and you are at home. This is where post-maternity care begins in the qualified hands of a maternity nurse.
Breastfeeding is one of the most important activities of motherhood enforcing a special bond between the mother and the child. A maternity nurse should educate the mother about the right procedure of breastfeeding and monitor the breastfeeding cycle. Also, assisting the mother with breast care and ensuring that the child is fed in the right proportion.
The maternity nurse also looks after the food and nutrition challenges of a mother who has just entered motherhood as it is inevitable that a healthy mother raises a healthy child. And at a later stage, the maternity nurse takes care of the diet of the child once he starts having cooked or supplemental foods.
During the early phase of motherhood, the sleep cycle of the mother gets disturbed in order to get used to the sleep patterns of the newborn. The maternity nurse ensures that both get their quota of proper sleep.
Proper maintenance of postnatal cleanliness is paramount for the health of the mother and the infant. As a major duty of the maternity nurse, she ensures the hygiene of the highest standard in the household so that the mother and the child do not get susceptible or contract to any infection. Also, the midwife helps in the dressing of the wound of the mother in a timely and a proper manner. Changing and cleaning of nappies of the newborn, keeping the baby clean and giving him a bath is all part of the responsibilities of the nanny.
Coping up with motherhood is a challenge both physically and mentally. Guiding through the process of sleeplessness, postnatal pain, periodic medical checkups, and routine tests are the home maternity nurse who lets you slowly cope up with it and get back to daily chores and routine life.
Every family has a different set of needs. When first-time parents want to know what those grunting noises or yellow poops of the baby means from the maternity nurse then, on the other hand, parents who are not new to parenthood will be busy introducing the new member to his siblings. In either case, the role of a maternity nurse comes handy in helping to set the new baby into the family without too many disruptions or any jealousy issue between siblings.
Another great advantage of postnatal care at home is the time that a mother can afford to get well, to get back to normal living without having to worry about the child while doing activities like taking a shower. She will know that her baby is in safe hands under the supervision of a maternity nurse. This is of utmost importance with families living in fast-paced cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where most members of the family are busy in their professional capacities and hardly with any time to spare at home during the day.
There are numerous agencies providing postnatal care, home nanny services, maternity care services in and around your city of Dubai. Before choosing a professional maternity nurse you need to ensure that you have communicated clearly about your expectations to the agency and the maternity nurse. So that they can provide you with an expert person who is the right fitment for your needs. You can always take a cue from the areas discussed above to best understand the role of nannies. Always remember that a post-maternity nurse is someone with whom you are going to have a very intimate relationship and ensure that the person has the right temperament and calmness required for the job. Nightingale Dubai can always be consulted if you are in Dubai for the best quality and professional service when it comes to providing an accredited professional midwife or a post-maternity nurse.